Think Green - Lou Women Dresses now come with green, sustainable packages
Lou women dresses now come with green, sustainable packages
Keeping our planet clean and safe for the generations to come is a big deal nowadays and the responsibility of all of us. Lou wants to be part of the change. That is why we are making an enormous impact on fashion trends but leaving only a tiny carbon footprint. We decided that from now on, all of our packages, containing the most stylish and feminine dresses, will be made of 100% recycled plastic materials.
We are passionate about durable, recycled materials for our mailers, just as we are as passionate about the latest trends. And of course, about you, having the most comfortable and great looking dresses that you deserve. Environmentally-friendly packages help save our surroundings, and you can rest assured that your favourite women dresses, boho, summer or cocktail, are always packed according to the highest standards, with safety and sustainability on our minds here, at Lou.
We all know that plastic contains chemicals that are extremely poisonous for the environment. It is thus the responsibility of all of us to recycle as much as we can. If wee can keep demand for new plastic as low as possible, we can finally stop it from turning our oceans into a gigantic dumpster. By buying your women dresses from Lou, you are helping the most important task of keeping our unique planet green and clean.
Thank you.